Establishing a Personal Learning Network Through Social Media
“You know what? #ukedchat and Twitter make me think a lot harder about my teaching than any course I’ve ever attended.”
Ian Addison, Primary school ICT coordinator
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Establishing a Personal Learning Networks Through Social Media
68-page paperback manual at £10.00
Establishing a Personal Learning Networks Through Social Media
68-page PDF manual at £5.00
Continuing professional development in a fast-changing world needs to be individual and flexible for teachers’ requirements. Needs now, and for the future, are specific and wide-ranging. The potential for a personal learning network (PLN) is in your hands. This manual will be applicable for all phases, subjects, aspects of learning and leadership. It will be appropriate for those familiar with or new to social media. It concerns professional participation and engagement. It is actively hands-on. Many examples are given to explore and decide what would be most effective for a continuing plan of action.
1. Understanding the potential of your personal learning network (PLN)
2. Understanding professional use of social media tools
3. A plan for implementing a PLN through social media
1. Defining your PLN
2. Selecting websites
3. Using discussion forums
4. Blogging and micro-blogging
5. Taking care with your online profile
This manual is applicable for all phases, subjects aspects of learning and leadership. It will be appropriate for those familiar with or new to social media.
It concerns professional participation and engagement. It is actively hands-on.
“Schools should create sufficient time for staff to undertake relevant professional development
and to discuss and reflect on what they have learnt.”
Good Professional Development in Schools, Ofsted
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