It’s a great title that engages children and young people with a subject that obviously relates to their experience. It provides background information through written vignettes and video of different settings. And is, basically, a call to action. It’s contextualised, practical, active global citizenship.
I have been aware of the ‘Send My Friend to School’ campaign for many years and it is a huge credit that it has been sustained and re-freshed with new resources. It is a paradox that teachers are overwhelmed by the quantity of resources available to them – and yet they eat them, using them and looking for something new.
From a resources production point of view, it is hugely significant that it arises from a collaboration of organisations and is, therefore, above and beyond just one.
A richly-designed ten-page activity pack is available for either a primary or secondary school. It is available without charge and, quite reasonably, they want you to register first so they know how far and wide they are being used.